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Illinois Private Security Profession Fingerprinting

Whether you're seeking to be certified and employed as an unarmed or armed security officer, a private detective, a security contractor, a fingerprint vendor, or any security-related profession under the provisions of the Illinois Private Detective, Security, Locksmith, and Alarm Act of 2004 (225 ILCS 447), the Act (the law) requires you to obtain a Permanent Employee Registration Card (PERC). To obtain the PERC card, you must be fingerprinted and undergo a criminal background check. Fingerprinting must be performed first. You must then apply for the PERC Card, a process completed solely online. We complete both processes.

Private Security Profession Fingerprinting

PERC Card Processing Quik-Pay!

** No REFUNDs. Accepted forms of payment are money order or credit/debit card. NO CASH.

Fingerprinting (Private Security, Detective, Locksmith, Alarm Employee) Cost: $65.00

PERC Application Processing Cost: (Already Fingerprinted) $65.00

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