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Illinois Concealed Carry and FOID Fingerprinting
Whether you're seeking to gain a FOID card, be licensed to carry a concealed firearm or become an Illinois State Police-certified Concealed Carry Instructor, the Illinois Concealed Carry Act (430 ILCS 66), the Act (the law) and the makes provisions for you to be fingerprinted. For prospect licensees, fingerprinting is optional and will speed up the license approval process, if qualified. A prospect Concealed Carry Instructor is required to be fingerprinted and undergo a criminal background check. Allow us to assist you in protecting yourself under the 2nd US Constitutional Amendment.
Illinois Concealed Carry Fingerprinting Quik-Pay!
** No REFUNDs. Accepted forms of payment are money order or credit/debit card. NO CASH.
Illinois Concealed Carry License Fingerprinting: $65.00
Illinois Concealed Carry Instructor Fingerprinting: $65.00
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